Google’s Android Failure in China

China's government has it all wrong--android is not a problem--after all it empowers Chinese manufacturers to compete in the global marketplace--and Google gets nothing!

When Success is Failure--Google gives away Android--and now China users have android smartphones with Baidu pre-loaded-- Google’s Android Failure in China is Another Setback for the Search Company in the World’s Largest Internet Market | MIT Technology Review: "But what’s often overlooked is how little Google itself is benefiting from Android’s growth in China. Most Android devices sold in China have been stripped of Google’s advertising-supported apps and services, as well as its Google Play store for third-party apps and music, books, and video. That means the devices are missing the two main ways by which the U.S. Web giant brings in revenue from the free Android operating system. The CEO of Baidu, the desktop Web search leader in China, said this year that 80 percent of Android-branded phones come with Baidu’s search service, rather than Google’s, loaded on the device."

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